Middle East Update: Day 5

Middle East Update: Day 5

You may have noticed we went from Day 3 to Day 5. Well, it turns out it was a lapsed e-mail. Day 4 is now in its proper spot between 3 and 5.

Today’s post is entitled “Different is good… Liar.”

Okay…. A man can only deal with so much. I’m ready to go home…


Everything that comes into Qatar is censored for the public. Some are good, some are bad…some are just wrong (witness above Google search). However, there are still some pretty amazing things that make it through. One thing they like to do is play, and our little excursion today was yet another example.

My mother often told me that sometimes the scene can make more of an impact than words can… There are a few occasions in my life where I can remember that being very true. The one matching today’s events occurred in the little country town I grew up in when I was young. One day while working out by the gravel road I grew up on, a red truck appeared in the distance. Kicking up dust like an eighteen wheeler, I knew there was something unique about it. As it got closer I eventually saw the lift kit on it was so insane I could see daylight out the back of the truck when looking underneath. Barreling towards me, bouncing from the combination of crazy knobby tires and springs jacked up to their max, the scene, as my mom would call it, was set. The driver turned out to be a little bearded Amish man with a grin so big it appeared to touch the brim of his little round hat.

Now switch the red pick up with a Ford F-650, switch the gravel road with a crowded alley, and finally, switch the little Amish man with a Qatari National in traditional white dress and head piece. I don’t know exactly what the people out for a nice leisurely walk thought when they turned around and saw us coming towards them today, but I’m sure it sent more than a couple chills up their spine. Not the good chills either…


This little beauty is owned by an old friend of Fluid that has a love for cars and owns many of them. He once had two of these giants but sold the four wheel drive one as it seemed there was no need for it…and that’s the way they do things here; necessity only. Fluid’s long time followers may recognize this truck from trips past. Evidently, since the last encounter we had with it, the owner has gotten bored. Now he wants a lift kit…a 15 inch lift kit. No, I didn’t accidently hit the one key before I hit the five key. He wants the truck lifted an additional fifteen inches. ….and that’s where I lose anything else intelligent to say.


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