12 Aug Unconventional Oil Change: Porsche Cayenne
We’re back for with our special segment “Unconventional Oil Change” this time we have a 2011 Porsche Cayenne. This Cayenne is equipped with the 3.6L direct injected 6 cylinder motor, and after 10,000 miles, it was time to get the old dirty oil out, and get some new fully synthetic engine lubricants back in.
What makes this vehicle “unconventional” is not just for its Porsche Moniker, but also the relatively low mileage on the odometer. At 18k miles, this porsche is at the beginning of its working life.
As you may know, we recommend oil change intervals of no more than 7000 miles or 6 months.
With the advancement in oil technology as well as engine efficiency and cleanliness, manufactures are stretching oil service intervals further and further. Unfortunately we are starting to see the consequences of these “recommended” extended service intervals in the repairs we perform on a daily basis. As you may know we recommend oil change intervals of no more than 7000 mile when using a premium synthetic oil. We came up with this recommendation based on our professional experiences working on Luxury automobiles. We treat the money you spend on your vehicle as an investment, therefore we feel that our modified service recommendations are the best way to protect your vehicles value. To sweeten the deal we offer this protection at an unbeatable price, to take the sting out of maintaining your vehicle.
It’s always refreshing for our technicians to see customers committed to getting the most out their vehicles by doing regular maintenance and the lower the mileage the better. The oil change was all this Cayenne needed for now, and hopefully we won’t be seeing this Porsche for at least 6 months, or 7000 miles, whichever comes first. Need an Oil change for your vehicle? Call us at 815-230-2900, or contact us through email at [email protected]. We’re conveniently located in the Naperville/Plainfield area of the Chicago Metropolitan suburbs.
Aaron Crain
Posted at 03:52h, 19 June10,000 miles seems like a long stretch. Although, one should always stay below the line or threshold mentioned in the guide book.
Auto Repair Shop
Posted at 10:15h, 19 Augustits informative and I like your website I read many other posts