19 Apr Unconventional Oil Change: Crossfire & S55 AMG
Today we have a set of cars from the Daimler Chrysler era or Mercedes Benz and Chrysler.
The first vehicle we are featuring is the 2004 chrysler crossfire. This two seat sports car was developed off of the r170 Mercedes Benz SLK platform. It used the Mercedes designed 215HP 3.2 V6, dubbed the M112. While it wasn’t really a hit it did sell modestly worldwide, however these are still uncommon on the road. Oil changes are the same as any Mercedes V6 so nothing abnormal there.
The other vehicle featured here is the 2001 S55. In our opinion, the color hasn’t aged well and looks dated, especially for an AMG model. Mercedes only used this naturally aspirated 5.4L V8 for 2 short years in this chassis, and later switched to the substantially more powerful and popular supercharged M113K. So the engine choice along with the color make this a bit of a rare combination.
Both cars took advantage of our aggressively priced oil change and inspection. Not only did we give them a great deal on an oil change but we also gave them peace of mind, knowing what these cars need to stay on the road for years to come. Want a great deal on an oil service? Call us at 815-230-2900, or contact us through email at [email protected]. We’re conveniently located in the Naperville/Plainfield area of the Chicago Metropolitan suburbs.
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