18 Dec ML350 Failed Window Switch
Is your window stuck down and you can’t get it back up? Well if you have a Mercedes Benz, you may be dealing with an ML350 Failed Window Switch. In this blog, we are going to go over what our techs do when removing the door panel and replacing the switch on a 2010 Mercedes M class ML350 w164 chassis.
This customer came by our Naperville location with an emergency. Their window was stuck open and they needed our help figure out what was going on with it. Working quickly from the most obvious possible problem first, we noticed that not only did the driver’s window switch feel broken, when monitoring it on our diagnostic tool, but it also was not commanding the up position. We quickly figured out that the window switch was indeed the issue. This left the customer in a dilemma, as the part had to be ordered, and would be a few days. However, we could not leave the window down while we waited a day or so for it to arrive. So in the meantime, we used our scan tool to command the window back up, taped over the switch and instructed the customer to not touch the button.
Once the switch arrived we call the customer back in and began the process of removing the door panel replacing the window switch.
To start you will need the following tools:
T30 torx driver
Door panel popper
plastic pry tool
T20 torx driver.
Start by removing the lock switch by pressing both buttons to get under the center divider, with that piece pried out the switch pulls out easily.
Remove the lower silver trim piece by carefully prying it out. Wiggle and use firm pressure until it pops out of place.
Remove the T30 torx screws now exposed from removal of the switch and and lower trim piece.
Once the screws are out, pry off the upper front speaker cover and disconnect the speaker plug.
Carefully pry the door panel back until it pops, then using your hands, go around the perimeter of the door until the panel is hanging by the top. Lift in an upwards motion until the panel is out.
Remove the plugs and then the door latch cable. The door latch cable pulls out of the slot first, then once removed, unhooks.
Place the door panel in a safe spot, and cut just enough sound-deadening material to expose the switch. remove the plug and 2 x T20 torx screws and unhook the clips.
Before you reinstall, make sure to hold the door panel up, plug in the 2 electrical connectors you unplugged and test the window operation.
If everything is good Installation is reverse of removal.
Have a window switch issue, or maybe your window is stuck down? Brake booster faulty message on the dash of your Porsche? Contact us at 630 305 3054, or reach us through email at [email protected]. We’re conveniently located in the Chicago Metropolitan suburb of Naperville at the Iron Gate Motor Plaza right off of the I-88 route 59 exit.
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