07 Apr Middle East Tuning
The other night we did some tuning work on a MkIV Supra that we expect to see close to 800rwhp on. We made considerable progress and were just about wrapped up with fuel maps when the head gasket let go between cylinders 5 and 6. We discovered, much to our relief, that it had been previously installed faultily, with used head bolts. Proper head installation is a critical step when running 28 lbs of boost. After we get a new gasket installed we can wrap up the tune but here’s some snaps of the night.

The standard garb may seem a little odd for most of us in the states but underneath they're car guys just like the rest of us.

Mid-East Factoid of the Day: Everybody and their brother drives a Land Cruiser, literaly. It's the standard daily driver and almost everyone owns one.
Posted at 20:11h, 08 Aprilthere are always common grounds! in this case: Moaar pow-wah! good post, great blog!