Body Building

Body Building

Today’s blog title is, well, pretty straightforward and self-explanatory. Let’s build some bodies!

We’ll start off with the body that probably needs more building than any other body in the shop. The last time we checked in on this Alpinweiss E46 M3, the old broken rear floor was already on its way out, in order to make room for the new, unbroken floor. Well, that’s happening as we speak. First, we had to clear out and prep the area where we removed the floor — panels had to be realigned to mate up to the new floor, which we test-fitted first.


Next, we’re MIG welding the Turner Motorsports subframe reinforcement kit to the new floor. With the combination of a new floor and the TMS reinforcement kit, this car will be rock solid for a very long time. For those of you who own E46 M3s and have not yet worried about the subframe, it never hurts to get it checked out early. That way, what is normally a several-hour install job (for the subframe reinforcement kit) doesn’t spiral into a multi-thousand-dollar body shop-centric job that requires entire panels to be removed and replaced.


In other news, we received a box that should help another build move along nice and quickly. This box comes from the Wizards of NOS out in Europe; this kit is heading to Doha for installation on a brand new Porsche Boxster. The kit looks spectacular, and we can’t wait to get everything installed out there. As always, we’ll keep tabs on the overseas projects and try to bring you as many high-quality pictures as we can! Thanks again to WON for getting this kit together in short order!


Finally, another body in need of building has crept its way out of the woodwork. Ron’s really excited to dig into this project, and we’re excited to bring it back out to the front page of the blog! If you’re not too sure what it is, get excited — things are going to get a little nuts.


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