12 Jan Naperville’s Cheapest Full Synthetic Oil Change? Why?
Looking to get your oil changed, but don’t want to spend an arm and a leg at the dealer? Customers love coming in to take advantage of our famous $65.00 100% synthetic oil change special. Why does Fluid MotorUnion offer one of Naperville’s Cheapest Full Synthetic Oil Change? Because our oil change is not just an oil change. Even something simple like an oil change can benefit from professional experienced auto mechanics who can identify future potential problems. having experience in knowing what can and does go wrong in the future and making recommendations is something quick lube, dealership porters, or chain store auto mechanics just can’t do. Identifying safety issues can not only save you money, they can keep you from becoming stranded. That’s why we choose to offer our Total™ full synthetic oil change at our cost, a value at $65. It allows us to get to know your vehicle, and better prepare you for the costs down the road we’ve even saved some vehicles from disaster! Recently, two customers took advantage of Naperville’s Cheapest Full Synthetic Oil Change and inspection: a 2009 Mercedes-Benz C300 and a 2007 Porsche Cayman S.
We noticed that both cars were in excellent shape during our comprehensive multi-point inspection. The Porsche only needed a bit of air in all four tires, while the Mercedes needed an intake air filter replacement. Both owners were pleased to hear that their vehicles were in excellent condition. While here, we also gave them some information on upcoming maintenance items that will keep their vehicles that way.
Many companies have a big marketing budget, where they spend money to get customers in the door for quick low labor intensitive and profitable jobs like oil changes. At Fluid MotorUnion, we know that the best advertisement is a happy customer telling a friend. So instead of spending money to get you in the door, we give the savings back to you. That way, you are less likely to neglect your oil change when it comes time. That in turn, offers us the opportunity to get to know your vehicle and stay on top of potential repairs that can hurt the value of your vehicle, or even leave you stranded.
If you would like to schedule an appointment to come in and get Naperville’s Cheapest Full Synthetic Oil Change and inspection special, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 630.305.3054, or contact us through email at [email protected]. We’re conveniently located at the Iron Gate Motor Plaza in Naperville, just minutes from the I88 Rt. 59 exit, right next to top golf!. Come See Us!
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