25 Feb Playing Catch
Today, we're taking a break from the Lamborghini content to bring you up to speed on the mysterious turbo build.
Today, we're taking a break from the Lamborghini content to bring you up to speed on the mysterious turbo build.
Despite the title, this isn't going to be a blog post filled with tequila shots and beer bongs. Not that we'd ever show that anyway.
Today is all about lines. And before you Scarface fanatics get too excited, no, we're not talking about THAT kind of line.
Finally. Brad Pitt's greatest movie quote ever has found its way to our blog. And it fits in perfectly with today's pictures, too!
Happy 2013, everybody! We've still got a few bits of 2012 remaining, so let's start off the new year by capping off the old one.
This blog title is dedicated to Tom, a.k.a. Captain Tyin' Knots.
If it takes us eighty days to get through this blog post, well, consider us terrible storytellers. We'll try to keep it faster than that.
Despite what the title may lead you to think, this blog post is going to be about what's happening at FMU during the middle of this workweek.
Sometimes you'll have everything you need at your disposal to make a case of "The Mondays" go away. Today is one of those Mondays.
If you didn't check out yesterday's teaser, we've got a few more shots for you to take a look at today, regarding our new mysterious turbo build.