28 Sep Oktoberfest
We've got a bevy of German cars in the garage for various jobs, so let's start October a little early, have a couple beers and take a look.
We've got a bevy of German cars in the garage for various jobs, so let's start October a little early, have a couple beers and take a look.
When you're here 11 or 12 or more hours per day, work and life tend to intertwine a bit. So, today, we've got a little bit of work, and a little bit of life.
Screw the whole "something borrowed, something blue" trope. Today, we've got something that's slammed, and something that's cammed.
The top two Olympic medal materials are making their way onto the FMU blog today. Sorry, bronze, nobody likes you.
It's been a while since we've had a Bentley on the blog, and since they're just so damn attractive, we had to feature it.
The American Midwest has been without a great deal of rain recently, so we've got water on the mind, hence the slightly strained pun in the title.
We've got a couple loose ends to tie up from last week, so let's get into those before we see what else fabrication has been up to.
Today's blog post covers a good amount of work happening all around the garage, and you may have some questions. So we've got some answers.
One of the sadder parts about owning a service garage is that cars tend to come in when they're not at 100%.
Our first feature of today's blog post may look familiar, seeing as how a picture of his car made its way around the internet recently.