28 Feb Greyscale
Our blog post today inadvertently consists of multiple shades of white and grey. Not fifty shades, thankfully, seeing as how we already used that pun.
Lamborghini Gallardo ADV05 Track Spec SL size: 20×8.5/20×12 finish: Matte Black / Gloss Black Range Rover HSE 2013+ ADV10 Deep Concave SL size: 24×10.5 front and rear finish: brushed w/clear w/polished lips Lamborghini Aventador ADV005 TS SL size: 20×9 / 21×12.5 finish: brushed matte bronze Vehicle:Audi B8 A6/A7/A8/S6/S7/S8 ADV5.0 MV2-SL size: 20×10 all around finish: brushed liquid smoke Vehicle: Mercedes G-Wagon ADV7.0...
We haven't taken a look at Tom's personal Z32 project in a while, and he's made some serious moves since then. So let's change that.
In contrast to yesterday's German and American cars, we've got a minty fresh Japanese addition to FMU's service stables that arrived just yesterday.
Every job is intensive in its own way, but some are definitely more intensive than others. Let's take a look.
We'll give you one guess to figure out what today's blog post involves. And no, it's not about trucks that turn into people.
Our blog post today inadvertently consists of multiple shades of white and grey. Not fifty shades, thankfully, seeing as how we already used that pun.
Okay, today's title is a bit of a stretch, but there's no fun in playing it safe 100% of the time.
Today's FMU daily blog post is all about growth in various ways. Let's take a look at how it's working its way into our various builds.
Today, we'll be exploring some of the smaller things around the shop. After all, it's not the size that counts, it's the effort you put behind the work.